Daily Balanced Wellness

Reconnecting to your Nature

Journey together for 6 - 12 weeks to realign to the nature within you. This is an individual intuitive wellness journey aligned to you! Guidance in remembering how your innateness works and allowing you to find balance, health and vibrancy in your body, mind & spirit along the way!

This guidance can support you if you’re feeling stuck ~

. physically - encountering a health challenge that keeps your body in an uncomfortable place

. mentally - feeling overwhelmed by all life is throwing at you day to day

. emotionally - at the end of your rope with life’s ups and downs

. spiritually - unsure of ‘what it all means’, feeling hopelessness & dispair

Connecting Your Physical . Mental . Emotional . Spiritual Wellness into ONE .

Discover how good it feels to be YOU!

. Weekly Guidance Sessions - 50 minutes

. Email Support

. Weekly Voice Messaging Support - 30 minutes

. Human Design Illumination

Investment ~ $888 - 6 week journey

~ $666 - 6 week renewal

~ $1444 - embark now on your 12 week journey!

~ Transformational benefits will last a Lifetime! ~

Sign Up Now via the above links!

For Questions & Inquiries or to Book a Free 15 minute Discovery Call ~ please fill out the information below & follow the links.

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